Galapagos Cruises

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HACIENDA ZULETA with Fernando Plaza

The best kept secret in Ecuador is just a short 1.5 hours ride north of Quito’s airport. Hacienda Zuleta is Ecuador’s foremost historical hacienda experience. Immerse yourself in the Plaza family odyssey of presidents, family, cheese, condors, embroidery, and farming.

HACIENDA ZULETA is a short 2-3 day visit, perfectly combined before or after a cruise in the Galapagos, and one of our favorite places for families. The Hacienda is located on the opposite side of Otavalo and the Imbabura Volcano, and its famous outdoor market.

The grandson of Galo Plaza Lasso, the 29th President of Ecuador, and great grandson of Leonidas Plaza, the 16th President of Ecuador, Fernando Polanco Plaza often personally receives guests at the working family farm. Fernando describes himself as being in love with the flora and fauna of the valleys of this large estate and explains why sustaining the environment is first and foremost. He is trained as an economist and anthropologist, and loves sailing and river rafting, which both are amazing in Ecuador. The Plazas bought this farm in 1898. In 1948, his grandfather Galo Plaza was known to preach to ministers about caring for the environment, way before the time of modern tourism or eco travel. His grandfather left clear instructions to follow, “we are and always will be committed to the environment, but also socially to the communities which surround us.”

One thing you will find very different at Hacienda Zuleta is that the cuisine has not been  modernized, but left authentic as it was served to the two Presidents that resided there. It is prepared and served by the grandchildren of the original cooks and housekeepers that served their President, and keep to its original comfort food of its time. Fernando says, “It might not be glamorous, but our food is all about authenticity and taste”.

The excursions and experiences offered are all hands on, such as, volunteering in research and conservation of endemic and endangered species like the Spectacled Bear & Andean Condor. Alternatively, foodies love taking part in making artisan cheese at the Zuleta cheese factory, milking cows, and enjoying the organic gardens. There is so much to do here, it would take too long to list them all here.

Families can turn off their devices and explore and participate in the latest green initiative implemented there: Reintroducing native tree species. Fernando calls it ‘Forests for life’.  Staff, friends, and guests can all get involved to plant these trees. We commit to never cut down these trees, this is our promise. The idea is that our guest’s sons and daughters can visit Hacienda Zuleta at some point in the future and visit the trees that their parents planted. The trees grow slowly overtime, the tree is a symbol  for the future and it also supports carbon offsetting.”

Fernando’s grandmother, Doña Rosario, founded the local school and workshop, and introduced traditional Zuleta embroidery classes for the indigenous community. The Galo Plaza Lasso Foundation along with support from the local Capuchin nuns and the Peace Corp have kept this beautiful tradition alive.   

A visit to Otavalo, the biggest and most important indigenous market in all Latin America is a must. Additionally, the fun Intiñan Interactive Museum is great for kids.

The hacienda breeds Zuleteño horses which are especially popular among equestrian lovers. Zuleta is home to 100 horses, including pure Andalusians and polo horses. It offers horseback riding from beginner through expert. Guests can enjoy exploring the surrounding valley by mountain bike, horse, horse drawn carriage, or hiking.

Zuleta is best combined with our Galapagos Luxury Yacht packages. If you have 12-14 days, you can also add Hacienda Danesa (Chocolate/Cacao Farm) outside Guayaquil for another exceptional culinary experience.